Thursday, March 29, 2007

Medical Assistant Jobs

What is the job outlook for a Medical Assistant ?

The medical assisting field is one of the fastest growing fields as it is expected to grow 59% by 2012 (Source – Bureau of Labor Statistics). This growth is due to the expansion in the health care industry because of technological advances in medicine and the growth and aging of the population. Increasing utilization of medical assistants in the rapidly growing health care industry will further stimulate job growth. Growth at such high rates indicates a stable and demanding career. Online Training at:

Where do Medical Assistants work?
Medical Assistants find employment in a variety of settings including:
physician offices
private health care facilities
industrial firms requiring health care personnel
hospital clinics
health industry providers
independent clinics private duty

A Medical Assistant (MA) is a multi-competent health care professional involving administrative and clinical task to keep the offices, clinics, and laboratories of physicians running smoothly. The duties vary from on office location, size, and specialty. In small practices, Medical Assistants usually are "generalists," handling both administrative and clinical duties and reporting directly to an office manager, or physician. Those in large practices tend to specialize in a particular area under the supervision of department administrators
