Thursday, March 12, 2009

The best medical assistant schools

Be a Medical Assistant Through Online Study
I once have an officemate who wanted to have a second career. However, he contemplated on choosing either care giving or being a
Medical Assistant. He chose the former, though at the back of his mind, he also loves the latter.After office hours, he would rush to his school several kilometers from our office and studied there until about 9pm. But on times we had to render overtime hours, he would compromise and spend an extra hour in the office and rush to school after. It was so tiring just seeing him! He soon finished his course but was surprised to know that there are Medical Assistant Schools online! He doesn’t have to rush from his house or office and brave the traffic and rain sometimes, to get to school. It was convenient because he can have classes anytime and anywhere he wanted to. He can also save money for transportation and time for commute. His performance at work won’t be affected and he can finish the course while still employed. There are no deadlines on when he should finish the course, it’s all up to him! This program by St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants uses innovative distance education technology, making it more affordable than other Medical Assistant Schools. It has a team of medical experts and educators that is ready to assist while he is studying online. My officemate may have finished the care giving course but being the learner that he is, he would surely be thinking of enrolling in this innovative and resources-saving program!