Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Medical Assistant School

Medical Assistants School
posted by Jerla
I have a couple of former classmates enrolled at the
medical assistant school back home in the Philippines because they know that medical assistant career is becoming in-demand abroad. As a matter of fact my sister’s boss who is also a known Physician in our province took the medical assistant course because he wanted to work here in the United States and he was told by his siblings who are living here in California said that that’s the only fastest way he can immigrate here in America. It’s really true that becoming a hospital staff is really advantage because they make good money and guaranteed to have a stable job opportunity. I was telling my husband even before that I really wanted to work in the hospital but he was worried for me to hop in the bus to get to school because of the bad guys out there might attack me or something. Well, I don’t blame my husband if he’s over protecting me that way. Anyways, he doesn’t have to worry about that because I’ll probably take the training course online. I’ll have to inquire at for that.

health is wealth
Thursday, November 6, 2008, posted by nancy @ 2:22 PM
Taking care of your loved ones also means taking care of their health. My aunt who was so close to me died of breast cancer, my uncle died of heart ailment and one thing that really crush my heart into tiny pieces... is every time I remember how my dad suffered from his decease (kidney failure). It's been 5 years ago yet the scenario in the hospital where he was hopelessly treated still seems so fresh and clear. Those series of unfortunate events made me feel the necessity to obtain essential knowledge on health care programs that is helpful in dealing with unforeseen health problems around your family.St. Augustine is an online
medical assistant school I have known that offers flexible medical assistant education and training certificates that is open to people who has fervent passion for health care like me. I do believe that health is wealth. Hopefully in the future when my financial resources agree, I could sign on to any of their medical programs. Aside from medical assistant, they also offer other programs like pharmacy technician, dental and nursing assistant. If you are interested to know the details of these courses visit St. Augustine @
