Friday, February 27, 2009

Medical Assistant Schools

Medical Assistant School
Due to international crises, so many companies closed and everyday i saw in the television news the increased numbers of companies closing one by one. There is a widespread decline of economy and employment. If there is no employment how can a family survive and sent their children to schools. I have a friend who was my classmate in high school. She is an intelligent student. She want to study medical assistant in St Augustine School of Medical Assistant. This is very popular school in our country and most Filipino students taking up medical courses and health care program courses. Almost all of them aims to work abroad after graduation like in USA, Europe and United Kingdom. My friend is so depressed because can't pursue her studies to take up medical assistant because lack of finances. His father promised only tuition fees and school fees but transportation allowance can not afford because they have also other household expenses. Both parents were working but her mother affected by recession. The company where she works is closed. Fortunately i am glad to know that St Augustine School of
Medical assistants offering medical assistant course online. This is exactly for my friend. She can study at home through the internet. Amazing! i am very sure my friend can achieved her ambition to be a medical assistant because St Augustine School is fully facilitated and accredited by the Department of Education to open and offer a certified medical assistant schools . It is not easy but they made it! so no doubts for this online school. Very affordable , convenient and wherever you are around the corner of the world, you can study online as long as you have the internet with you. You just enroll online and you can arranged to them all registration and tuition fees online with you bank account. Any problems and questions were all resolve through online. You will finished medical assistant with certificate for only 6-8 weeks.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Medical Assistants News

Sekolah Online Medical Assistant, Mengapa Tidak?
3:49 PM Label: ,
Keberadaan teknologi internet memungkinkan semua orang untuk dapat beraktivitas tanpa hambatan jarak, waktu maupun kesempatan. Bisa berkomunikasi dengan keluarga atau teman, urusan pekerjaan, bahkan dalam hal pendidikan. Ingin punya keahlian dalam bidang medis misalnya, bisa didapatkan dengan sekolah online.St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants bisa menjadi pilihan tepat bagi mereka yang ingin menjadi seorang Medical Assistant. Program pendidikan jarak jauh ini sudah berpengalaman dengan mentor-mentor yang handal dibidangnya seperti konsultan pendidikan, physicians, para suster juga para medis lainnya yang akan selalu melayani dan membimbing pendidikan online ini.Yang paling menarik adalah waktu dan programnya yang fleksibel. Tidak ada deadline atau limit waktu khusus untuk menyelesaikan studi. Jika ingin cepat, dalam waktu enam sampai delapan minggu bisa selesai mengambil programnya, lalu ujian secara online dan langsung mendapat Medical Assistant Certificate. Biar lebih jelas, silahkan langsung ke Medical Assistant Schools untuk melihat programnya. Tertarik? Daftar online saja sekarang, karena bisa dapat diskon khusus.***