Sunday, November 09, 2008

Be a Medical Assistant

Be a Medical Assistant, posted by Dani
I know I have. Although I’ve certainly thought from time to time about becoming a medical assistant of some sort, I’ve decided to major in nursing since that field seems to suit me a lot better. Especially pediatric nursing, because I’d love to be able to make children feel better when they’re feeling under the weather, and I’d love making sure that they stay healthy. But if that right there doesn’t work out for whatever reason, I know I’d have a lot of fun in a career field like this. There’s a really nice medical assistant school that I’ve found on the Internet that could help me do just that, and this might be something that I could always look into once I’ve gotten my degree in nursing. It might help advance my career even further, and that’s always desirable in today’s world! I’d like to have something decent to fall back on in case I need that, and I like to put a lot of forethought and planning into stuff like what my job would be once I’m out of school… at least for the first time, after I’ve gotten that first degree. Who knows? Maybe being a medical assistant might be fun! It’s certainly something that I can’t just give a passing cursory glance to… entire article at:
