Sunday, November 30, 2008

Meidcal Assistant School Online

Medical Assistant Online School
Many people has choice to make their decision whether they want to life better or become poor people. If you wan to life better you had better follow this great opportunity you should follow
medical assistant schools to get better value of your life. this program offer you many program of school online and you will be able to save more time and save more your money. so that you will feel satisfied after you join this program. and at the end you will receive the better result than you follow the other programs.
Medical assistants online school as health care professionals perform administrative and clinical tasks to keep the offices of physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, and other health practitioners running smoothly.
Medical assistant online school find employment in private and public hospitals, as well as inpatient and outpatient facilities, medical doctors, etc. Given their role as healthcare professionals the demand for medical assistants is only on the rise. this is online school are so convenient and flexible for you who have no much time in learning since you are just learn that important one. and you can take fast graduation from any other similar program.The duties and the assignment of medical assistants different from any other medical assistant programs that available through on the internet, depending on the location and size of the practice and the practitioner’s specialty. Medical Assistant registration formalities are extremely convenient and flexible with St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants online distance education program. Our simple online registration form and tuition payment modality is also tuned for your convenience. Medical Assistant program registration is only a few clicks and you will be able to become the student with clear prospect job in medical assistants. so that never miss this great opportunity to change your life become the better last I hope you will be able to take this great opportunity to become the medical assistant school. and finish in just short time in order to get the best result and mark for your study here and you at last capable to have the great job regarding the medical assistant field.okay all of my friends join now and grab al of your dream to become the medical assistant school.

Labels: Reviewed Review
by Marvel R.
People need to be served for their needs of medicals by the providers who are the best at the quality. It aims to ensure them that their safety relied on the correct persons. Otherwise, it will harmful if they have some kind of untrustworthy persons to rely on.Therefore, those who want to have the carrier in such medical fields, have to equip themselves to make this mission accomplished. And in fact, sometimes they will be impeded by the stuffs like fees. But to do such, they do not have to be in some kind of hassle to look for the service in order to make them well educated in being the great
medical assistants. Why is it so? It is all because there have been medical assistant schools that they can get online by the internet and this is a kind of way they can get a better medical education in such a lower cost.This service can be gained by logging on to the website. This website is providing the way a visitor can apply for some classes to educate him or her in such a comprehensive medical assistant program, and of course all done by online only


St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Online Courses For Medical Assistants
comments posted by Andy L.,
One of my friend's elder sister was very disappointed when she couldn't enrol in a local medical school recently. She has a great interest to become a medical assistant, following the footsteps of her mother who is now a retired nurse. Seeing her sister so helpless and sad, my friend helped out by surfing online for more resources and more information on careers for
medical assistants. Imagine how happy and relief she was when she came across this St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants , one of the best medical assistant schools which offers online medical assistant course. For only $645, the course can be completed in about 6-8 weeks and she can study online at her own time pace and convenience. With their flexible time schedule, it is most suitable for working adults too. Furthermore, there is a team of consulting educators, physicians, nurses and other health care who are always available to assist the students in the online course.With a medical assistant certificate in hand, job opportunities will be higher everywhere,the demand in medical line is always promising and at the same time, it is a noble job, helping the sick and the needy.

More about Medical Assistant Jobs:
*About 62 percent of medical assistants work in offices of physicians.
*Some medical assistants are trained on the job, but many traditional and online programs.
*Employment is projected to grow much faster than average, ranking medical assistants among the fastest growing occupations over the 2006-16 decade.
*Job prospects should be excellent!

Medical assistants held about 417,000 jobs in 2006. About 62 percent worked in offices of physicians; 12 percent worked in public and private hospitals, including inpatient and outpatient facilities; and 11 percent worked in offices of other health practitioners, such as chiropractors, optometrists, and podiatrists. Most of the remainder worked in other health care industries such as outpatient care centers and nursing and residential care facilities.

Employment is projected to grow much faster than average, ranking medical assistants among the fastest growing occupations over the 2006-16 decade. Job opportunities should be excellent, particularly for those with formal training or experience. Online classes now offered at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants and the medical assistant program now help many prepare for the job.

According to the US Department of Labor, The earnings of medical assistants vary, depending on their experience, skill level, and location. Median annual earnings of wage-and-salary medical assistants were $26,290 in May 2006. The middle 50 percent earned between $21,970 and $31,210. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $18,860, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $36,840.

Medical Assistant post can be viewed at:


Friday, November 28, 2008

Be a Medcial Assistant

Be a medical assistant
By Shareapic,Saturday, November 29, 2008

Finding a job in this market is very difficult ,and even it is tougher to start a career in a field with potential. But there is a way by which you can be successful in life and that is being medical assistant , this is not the only way but one of the ways .Work opportunities are increasing day by day and this field is largely growing and expected to grow even faster in near future, so lots of opportunities are coming up. So what you need is a
medical assistant training from one of the medical assistant schools. And it gets even better if you get the total training online/You can join the Medical Assistant program offered by , this is a complete online program, and this training program is nationally accredited and certified program. As it is an online program, you can study from home with complete comfort of home, and it takes around 6-8 months to complete but you can extend it as per your need. You can register online by visiting their site just for $645. This is the best medical assistance certificate program as it is designed by expert healthcare professionals. So enroll today for this medical assistants training program.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Medical Assistant Schools
Posted by Abhiroop Bhatttacharyya

Looking for a great future but not sure where to go what to do so that you can ensure a golden future? Even at the time of recession, one sector is registering continuous growth. US labor department forecasts that till 2015 the growth of health industry will surpass the rate of growth of any other. If you are looking for a career opportunity or bored with your present job and looking for a change, the better think of a career as a trained medical assistant. It has immense opportunities and prospects. You can have on line training from
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. It is the renowned medical assistant school, which offers the medical assistant courses so convenient that you can complete the entire course at your own place. The all classes are online and anytime round the world. Duties of medical assistant vary from office to office; it depends upon the location and size of the practice and the practitioner’s specialty. The medical assistant programs include medical terminology, human body planes, basic human anatomy and physiology, medical office professionalism, patient communication, medical records, basic medical law, scheduling appointments, medical billing and insurance claims, infection control, surgical instruments, emergency care, clinical equipment, patient history and physicals, EKG and Lab testing, specimen collection and lab safety, introduction to patient medication. All these classes are mostly taken online with text books being supplied online. The charge is low and can be made suitable according to paying capacity. So, log into the site and know more about this career.

You can view entire article at:


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Medical Assistant in

A Medical Assistant in
by Edi Samsuri,

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Many people now care for their health. They become realize that health is everything and without healthy body or life, they will not be able to do the routine or job well. Getting knowledge about medical does not always belong to nurses or doctors but also people who care for health, for example housewives. As mothers or housewives, they should know about medical assistance. When they have skills about it, they will be able to handle if any of their family members; son, daughter or husband have any health problems. Mothers or housewives can be the first people who handle before going to the hospital. It is time for them to be a medical assistant for their family and their neighborhood, too.There are now many medical assistant schools we can find in the internet and one of them Medassistant and St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is an online Medical Assistant Training that offers a convenient and affordable medical assistant program. Unlike other medical assistant, they will give many specialties and eases here. They give the mothers and housewives to study at their own pace and convenience due to their businesses as mothers or housewives. They don’t have to attend the class because the class held online and within 24 ours and 7 days. It means that their study times are matched with their activities. For further information about being medical assistants, you have to visit


Monday, November 24, 2008

Medical Assistant

Medical Assistant
Being a
medical assistant is one of the most wanted jobs recently. Many people, especially women want and like working as a medical assistant. They have different reason why they want to jump into this job. Some people want to work in this field because they love the health care field, look for a career after graduating for school, want to help other people and many else.
This working field also becomes one of the high demands job and every years many hospital need a lot of medical assistants. This situation makes many companies offer
medical assistant schools and one of them is Medassistant is a great online medical school which helps the people or their customers to get their goals to become a medical assistant. Many specialties you will get when studying here; as soon as you graduate, you will get a certificate which you can use to improve your career opportunity, faster promotion and higher income.
Besides that you don’t have to come to the class because all learning process held through e-learning. You can study at your own pace and convenience. They offer 24 hour and 7 days a week which mean that if you are busy, you can study any time. Many people think that being
medical assistants are very rewarding career, so it is your time to have that rewarding job. For more info, don’t hesitate to visit the website at


Be a Medical Assistant

Being a medical assistant in
Posted by Senin 24 November 2008 kategori

When I was a kid, I had a cancer. Though it was not really severe and now my cancer has gone but I really remember my torture. Due to my experience in the past, I really want to be a
medical assistant and give something back to the medical community. To achieve my dreams, first I need to find a medical school where I can get knowledge about medical. After browsing for a few minutes, I stopped in is a website which specializes in online classes for medical assistants.
What make me interested in learning here because they allow me to study on my own pace and convenience due to my business as a mother as also an employee. Through their studying method “anytime e-learning”, every student, like me, has a chance to study at home, at office or any where I want. They provide their students 24 hours and 7 days to achieve the knowledge. Another good thing about these
medical assistant schools is that we don’t have to study for a long time, only about 6-8 weeks; we will be a medical assistant and get a certificate. To make their student get the knowledge more effective and efficient, they will be taught and guide by professional experts in this field. Interested in more info, you should visit the website.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Assistant in Medical Field
by Ijal,
Do you know what job is the most critically need in hospital beside medical doctor? Yes, it is medical assistant. Being a medical assistant is a help for you and for others. If you like to help people then you must be loving this job. You are more close to the patient than the doctors because you see them everyday. You are their main priority for asking help. Because you are always there.If you want to go to medical assistant schoolsthen I sugested the St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. medical assistantis the number five top jobs in USA. The Job growth each year is 49.65%.The median expected salary for a typical Physician Assistant - Medical in the United States is $77,395.

Be a Medcial Assistant

Be A Medical Assistant in 6 to 8 Weeks
By Shiela, RN
As a nurse I am proud that I am part of the health care provider. And it's not only us who are involve in the team. There are doctors, secretaries,
medical asisstant, porters, and a lot more rewarding career. So if you want to join the health care system. Why not study as a medical asisstant ? Do you know that you can learn and study at home as a medical asisstant for just 6 to 8 weeks. At St. Agusutine School of Medical Assistants it will allow you to study online at your own pace and convenience. This online school offer some other courses too like Pharmacy Technician Program, Dental Assistant Program, Nursing Assistant Program, Nursing Aide programs and Home health care courses. So if you want to be one of us. Enroll now and be a professional in 6 to 8 weeks.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Medical Assistant Schools

medical assistant schools
Diposting oleh Didik Apriyanto 6:50 PM 0 komentar »
Saat ini banyak tenaga medis di butuhkan di negera-negara di dunia. sebagai contoh di negara amerika yang di negara tersebut masih banyak membutuhkan
medical assistantMenurut Amerika sendiri di Departemen Tenaga Kerja, "Medical assistans diproyeksikan tumbuh lebih cepat daripada yang dirata-rata, peringkat medis membantu pertumbuhan tercepat di antara pekerjaan melalui dekade berikutnya. Proyek memiliki kesempatan yang sangat baik, terutama bagi mereka yang sedang meniti karirnya di Medical assistant schools. "di pelatihan tersebut sekarang telah menawarkan pelatihan formal line dengan terakreditasi nasional dan sertifikasi Program Asisten Kedokteran. Program ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk belajar secara online dengan kecepatan dan kenyamanan. Program ini dilaksanakan sekitar 6 sampai dengan 8 minggu. Namun, Anda dapat mengambil selama diperlukan. Tidak ada batasan waktu atau deadline dan asisten program pelatihan ini sangat terjangkau. tidak memerlukan biaya yang sangat mahal. bahkan anda dapat dilatih secara profesional dan menjadi ahli medis yang dapat menolong orang. terutama orang yang sakit, dan lain sebagainya. dengan penggunaan teknologi pendidikan yang inofatif, tim konsultan pendidik, dokter, perawat dan menyediakan layanan kesehatan lainnya selalu tersedia untuk membantu Anda dalam studi online Anda.

Online Medical Assistant Programs

Online Medical Assistants Program
comments by Noor Ashleff
Medical Assistants should never be confused with Physician assistants, who examine, diagnose, and treat patients under the direct supervision of a physician.Medical Assistant perform administrative works, such as help to update patients records, fill out insurance forms and arrange hospital admission and laboratory services.Secondly is doing clinical tasks such as taking medical histories and recording vital signs, explaining treatment procedures to patients and preparing patients for examinations.Finally
medical assistant will report to office manager, physician or other health practiotioner for an example, alternative medicine for them to proceed their diagnosis.All medical assistant must be well trained in a proper medical assistant school, as it is required in certain state law, although some state would just simply accept medical assistant from junior colleges or vocational-technical high schools, it is still not as good as a certified medical assistant schools. Certification from these schools have their own standards of competence which allow the students to be one of the best medical assistant.St. Augsutine School of Medical Assistants offers a convenient method to earn a medical assistant certificate in as little as 6-8 weeks.They provide Medical Assistant Program Classes online. Students are also exposed to online medical assistant clinical labs where they can use the virtual lab for their studies. Although everything is online, the students are still required to buy a medical assistant textbook.According to the St. Augustine website, employment opportunities are very high after students receive their certificate as medical assistants are projected to account for a very large number of new jobs, which is a rapidly growing sector of the health care industry.

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Medical Assistant School
Posted by Pinay S.
Medical field is the fastest growing career especially here in the United States. As far as I remember when I was in college in the Philippines, most high school students want to take up medical course in college. Also some are leaving their jobs to become
medical assistant because it seems more profitable. They complete a vocational course hoping to get employed in another country and get better income. Being a medical assistant is a very rewarding career.Anyway, if you think medical assistant is the career for you, then visit St. Augsutine School of Medical Assistants online school. They are now offering formal training online with their nationally accredited and certified Medical Assistant program. Their program will allow you to study online at your own pace and convenience and earn an accredited medical assistant certificate in just 6-8 weeks. So, if you are looking for a medical assistant school, St. Augsutine School of Medical Assistants is the right place to go. Check them out today!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Medical Assistant Schools

Medical Assistant Online School
Life is very worthy to take care of, we all must in the good health condition. If we are not healthy we can do anything. These days even we try hard to be care full for our health with eat healthy food, exercise but its hard to maintain it constantly.These day many causes make us not in good condition. It means we need other to help us when we get sick. Someone who have professional skill to take care of us when we get sick. These fact show us that medical help is great business that everyone will need it. So this means also great job opportunity in medical field.Its a good idea if you plan your future career in as
medical assistants. This job will offer a great income for you. You can be a medical assistant within 6-8 weeks by joining in this medical assistant schools online program provide by St. Augustine school of medical assistants.A lot advantage if you join with St. Augustine like, their programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training, No traditional classrooms at strict timings - Easy online learning is our aim, Save time, money and resources, Flexible program schedule - classes anywhere, anytime, No hindrance to your daily schedule, All-time online support to resolve your queries and problems with personal attention, 6-8 weeks programs - Medical Assistant Certificate.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Comments for medical assistant, medical assistant school and medical assistant education at:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Medical Assisatant Education

About Medical Assistant Education
Posted by Apahty
November 19, 2008 ·
No Comments
Medical assistant is an unlicensed multi-skilled health professional who offers administrative, clerical and technical support to the physician. medical assistant provides services for front office, back office and other clinical laboratory areas. Medical assisting is a versatile career for men and women. Medical assistant provides services in the offices of physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors and other health practicians to work smoothly. Medical assistants are not like physician assistants who diagnose and treat patients under direct control of physician. Duties of medical assistant depend on the specialty of practitioner. Medical assistants work under the control of department administrator. But “How to become a medical assistant” is a question anyone interested in medical assisting needs to ask considering all the healthcare offers found out there. Training is key to fulfilling the dream of a career in the medical assistant field. It is a popular option of choosing medical assistant school for many people who want to earn a good salary while helping people to get well. It is not practically impossible to get a doctor assistant’s position without training as you can learn on the job but these chances are pretty rare.
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants offers all we need to become a professional in medical assistant.They strive hard to help you achieve your career goal of becoming a medical assistant. A medical assistant certificate can mean greater career opportunity, faster promotion, and higher income.Our program makes a medical assistant education very affordable and yet completely flexible to suit your personal needs. This “anytime e-Learning” distance edcuation program allows you to study online at your own pace and take classes at your convenience. All programs are available online 24 hours and 7 days a week. To make your medical assistant training and education more effective our team comprises of experts in the field of healthcare and education, so you can earn your certificate in the most convenient and efficient way possible.

Medical Assisant as a Career

Medical Assistant As a Career
Posted by Bharath on Nov 19, 2008
One of the Fastest Growing Professions

There are myriad reasons for you to focus your efforts towards building a career as a
medical assistant! Although the medical assistant profession can be very challenging, involving a lot of dedication and responsibility, it also brings many financial and personal satisfactions. Undoubtedly, medical assistants have always been considered to be major components of the healthcare industry, fulfilling a set of vital roles in the medical offices.
Unlike other professions in the medical field, the
medical assistant profession involves a lot of interaction and communication, both with the monitored patients and with other members of the medical staff. In order to fulfill your dream of becoming a qualified medical assistant, it is very important not to neglect your professional training.The best thing to do in order to ensure a secure career in the field is to attend a high quality medical assistant training program at a highly recognized medical assistant school. By attending to a good medical assistant school, you will be able to polish your skills as a medical assistant and become a true professional in your branch. St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants and offers all we need to become a professional in medical assistant.They strive hard to help you achieve your career goal of becoming a Medical Assistant. A medical assistant certificate can mean greater career opportunity, faster promotion, and higher income.Our program makes a medical assistant education very affordable and yet completely flexible to suit your personal needs. This “anytime e-Learning” distance edcuation program allows you to study online at your own pace and take classes at your convenience. All programs are available online 24 hours and 7 days a week. To make your medical assistant training and education more effective our team comprises of experts in the field of healthcare and education, so you can earn your certificate in the most convenient and efficient way possible.


Take Medical Assisatant Classes Online

Published by Pastilan on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 7:33 AM
Medical assisting is one of the most in demand occupations today. Medical assistant employment is growing very fast and job opportunities for those with formal medical assistant training is excellent. If we look at the trend that leads to the next decade, it is easy to see that medical assisting is a good career path to follow. Don't you know that you can become a medical assistant by studying online? Yes, St. Augsutine School of Medical Assistants offers medical assistant programs that are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training. With their easy online learning methods, classes would not be like that of traditional schools where there is strict timing. You will have flexible program schedule and can have classes anywhere, anytime. With their 6-8 week programs, you can have Medical Assistant Certificate in no time. So if you are eying for a certificate in medical assisting, St. Augsutine School of Medical Assistants is a good choice. By making use of innovative distance education technology, this medical assistant school is capable of providing one of the most affordable medical assistant programs available anywhere. With a team of consulting educators, physicians, nurses and other health care professionals, you are sure to get all-time online support to resolve your queries and problems. If you attend medical school online today, you will save time, money, and resources and you can look forward to a brighter future.


Monday, November 17, 2008

A Very Convenient Online Medical Assistant Course
by Chelle,
Are you planning to take up a medical assistant course? Are you willing to take it online? If so, there is a
medical assistant course that you can take online and if you want the best medical assistant school that provides a convenient and affordable online medical program, well St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is what you are looking for. St. Augustine's online courses are very convenient because you can complete the entire program according to your own pace. It means that if you are in a hurry and want to complete the medical assistant course within 6-8 weeks you can have already the Medical Assistant Certificate. Aside from that, they also provide online training in introductory laboratory skills and basic clinical tasks for medical assistants. Cool, isn't it? So, if you are interested to enroll a medical assistant course, why not try and enroll at St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants and attend their online classes at your convenience. You can view entire post at:


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Being a Medical Assistant

Being a Medical Assistant
Comments posted by Tere @ 6:26 PM
We have been talking about my sis and we want her to think about being a
medical assistant. The topic of pursuing our other sister's plan to have her follow them in UK or have my sis work abroad to make something out of herself. There are medical assistant training programs in the US which is something they thought my sis may take if and when she gets there but there are also medical assistant school online programs specially designed for your comfort and affordability. This is good because you do not have to be physically there in school for anyone to have the interest to continue your education. So my sister can rely on online education and hopefully pursue this career.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Online Medical School

Online Medical School
by Dez
Life has been very easy for us nowadays, thanks to the wonders of computer. Everything is just a click away! from making assignments and researching, to reading news and online shopping and now even studying and taking up medical assistant can be done online!
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is now offering a formal training online with nationally accredited and certified Medical Assistant program. Their program will allow you to study online at your own pace and convenience. It can be completed in 6 to 8 weeks time. That was fast right?! However, you can take as long as needed. There are no deadlines or time limits and our medical assistant training program is very affordable.They have their team of consulting educators, physicians, nurses and other health care provides are always available to assist you in your online studies. I think being a medical assistant is a privileged especially for those who have passion and are inclined towards science and rewarding too.

Health Jobs

On Health Issues
comments posted by Dez,
My mom being sick led me thinking of going into a
medical assistant school to expand my knowledge more into this field of science. looking over one's health requires a much needed information on taking care of our loved ones. "Health is wealth"is what we always hear every time we talk about sickness and medical condition.

I am a working mom too, and so I have to juggle my time between my family and work. Managing my time is essential so I have to be productive in multi-tasking. This doesn't keep me off to my desire of becoming a
medical assistant. Good thing I have found The St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants, a medical assistant school online that makes use of innovative distance education technology and helps us provide one of the most affordable medical assistant programs available anywhere! Their team of consulting educators, physicians, nurses and other health care provides are always available to assist you in your online studies.

Becoming a
medical assistant is convenient for someone as busy as me because their program will allow you to study online at your own pace and convenience. Most students complete the program in about 6-8 weeks. But can take as long as needed and there are no deadline or time limit. Meaning, there will be no cramming whatsoever. Another good point about them is that they are nationally accredited, convenient and affordable online distance education program. So check out their site to learn more.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Online Medical Assistant Course
Want to become a
medical assistant but don't want to spend a lot of times in school? Then check out St. Augustine school of medical assistants. It is an online course which mean you can get the carreer you want as medical assistant in the convenience of your home. It is nationally acredited and certified medical assistant program. I always want to be a medical assistant so im thinking of applying online. The best thing about it aside from you can study at home is the st.augustine school of medical assistants area affordable. You can even make 3 monthly payments and get your certificate as medical assistant in 6-8 weeks. The program they have are reviewed by professionals and they also have flexible program schedule so no need to worry about your schedule. You can study online anytime. And if you have questions, they also offer anytime online support to answer your questions or resolve any problems. All programs are available 24/7 so really you can decide your schedule. No need to be rushing to go to school because at st. augustine online medical school you can study anytime, anywhere. So forget the traditional medical assistant schools because it will take you long to achieve your certificate when st. augustine school of medical assistants offer an online training which will give you your certificate in 6-8 weeks. They are the best medical training online because they are also affordable but they have a group of experts and initiative professionals which will help you while you are on training. So why wait, enroll now at st. augustine medical assistant school. They also offer different medical assistant training so you could check the site for it. Start now and be one of the certified medical assistant and have a rewarding carreer.

Online Classes for Medical Assistants

Online Medical Assistant Course
Want to become a
medical assistant but don't want to spend a lot of times in school? Then check out St. Augustine school of medical assistants. It is an online course which mean you can get the carreer you want as medical assistant in the convenience of your home. It is nationally acredited and certified medical assistant program. I always want to be a medical assistant so im thinking of applying online. The best thing about it aside from you can study at home is the st.augustine school of medical assistants area affordable. You can even make 3 monthly payments and get your certificate as medical assistant in 6-8 weeks. The program they have are reviewed by professionals and they also have flexible program schedule so no need to worry about your schedule. You can study online anytime. And if you have questions, they also offer anytime online support to answer your questions or resolve any problems. All programs are available 24/7 so really you can decide your schedule. No need to be rushing to go to school because at st. augustine online medical school you can study anytime, anywhere. So forget the traditional medical assistant schools because it will take you long to achieve your certificate when st. augustine school of medical assistants offer an online training which will give you your certificate in 6-8 weeks. They are the best medical training online because they are also affordable but they have a group of experts and initiative professionals which will help you while you are on training. So why wait, enroll now at st. augustine medical assistant school. They also offer different medical assistant training so you could check the site for it. Start now and be one of the certified medical assistant and have a rewarding carreer.

Online Classes for Medical Assistants

Online course in medical assistant school
posted by Brillie
St. Augustine
Medical Assistant School
This is my article about health. I mean, I’m not good
writing in English but I try to recount about things that I know. Have you heard about school of medical assistant before? I think you did. Yes, St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is one of online school that have a very diligent campaign in the media spread the Internet. If you want to be medical assistant, you can take online course at there. With e-learning program , you can still working and studying. Don’t worry about the fee, it’s cheap, it is just $645! and you can use the “Google
Checkout” service for quick simple program registration and secure tuition payments.
I will not much talk about this again before you hear testimony from someone who had to follow this program to be medical assistants. She is a nurse from the Philippines who advising her nephew to studying in
medical assistant school. She said, Medical assistant is one in demand job, so many students wishes to take this course. Oh well, maybe if I could I would like to take this course too. But unfortunately, I haven’t finish my high school yet. What about you?


About Medical Assistant Program

About Medical Assistant program
Another point of my life right now is to find a good job. One of my list in my job searching is to be a Medical assistant. Some agencies requires you to be at least High school graduate with GPA and have formal training background on venipuncture and other minor procedures with the Doctors in clinical areas of health care.I came to research more on how to gain knowledge and to become a medical assistant in the internet. I found this website called
Medical Assistant Program Online. The name of the medical assistant school is "St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants". This is just one of my list of preferences and to share for those who wanted to become medical assistant. In this website, you can enroll online, attend classes online and even take medical assistant exam online at the end of their program. You can earn to have medical assistant certification in just 6-8 weeks. They have reliable medical assistant program classes and subjects that are online. They also have virtual labs that you can view online and other clinic labs that can help you improve your background in skills knowledge too!If you are also interested about this program, you can visit their websites by clicking the anchored texts or the highlighted medical assistant terms shown above.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
>> Wednesday, November 12, 2008
comments posed by Dhemz

Our economy is unstable right now. The crisis affects most everybody in the world. People are having trouble getting a decent job. It is hard to support the family when you don't have decent job especially when you don't have a degree. If you work a part time job and wanting to get a decent career in the medical field, why not consider taking classes online? There is a good place that I can recommend located at They offer flexible online medical assistant education and training certificate programs. You can become a medical assistant in just 6-8 weeks by enrolling at St. Augustine school of medical assistants. It is an online medical assistant program where you can learn at your convenience. Medical assistants deal with the public so courtesy, a pleasant manner, patience and the ability to withstand stress are all the qualities required of them. This is where professional training is required for prospective medical assistants to master these skills and shoulder responsibilities as for patient service and care. So, what are you waiting for? Visit their website now for more details.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Online Medical Assistant School

Online Medical Assistant School
November 12, 2008

posted by Araphoenix
There is a great need for a
medical assistant program in these days that poverty and deprivation are just around the corner. So visit St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants now, and register yourself online. Not only that this Medical Assistant school helps you with your tight budget, it gives you the chance to save your time and money because the classes will be held online. Aside from that, you can also choose your schedule and study during the days and hours you wants. This is the only school that will taught you everything about Medical Assistant that every hospital wants to comply. You are sure of you’re future here think twice and and think for your future with the right investment of money, effort and time.

I want to be a medical assistant

I want to be one...
Monday, October 20, 2008
During my younger years, I wanted to be a doctor. At that time, it's either you want to be a doctor, a nurse, or a teacher. Time passed by, I never became a doctor. Not even took a course close to it. Now, I want to be a
medical assistant. Why? Because medical assistants perform routine administrative and clinical tasks to keep the offices of physicians and other health practitioners running smoothly. Their duties vary from office to office, depending on the location and size of the practice and the practitioner’s specialty. They also perform many administrative duties, including answering telephones, greeting patients, updating and filing patients’ medical records, filling out insurance forms, handling correspondence, scheduling appointments, arranging for hospital admission and laboratory services, and handling billing and bookkeeping. And that's what I love about it.There are medical assistant schools now that offer this program. These schools are accredited, affordable and accessible certificate program for Medical Assistants. Is it time for me to change careers?


Monday, November 10, 2008

Medical Assistant Schools

Medical Assistant School
The health industry is growing. Have you noticed, especially here in the Philippines, in most High School students want-care college? At this stage, you could five people that I know access to the course. In addition, many leave their jobs to people because it is more profitable. Conclusion of training, hoping to reach another country and a better income. Flowers also medical transcription. These schools offer courses multiplication in the world.Since this is a
medical assistant is another race, good pay. If you have not heard of this before, help physicians assistants, patients react to its offices during the consultations. Last updated records and interview the patient before seeing the doctor. Also consider vital functions, giving injections, blood drag, the smaller operations, calling on behalf of patients of the doctor, if I remember my doctor for medical assistance. is a line, offers
medical assistant school on the national (USA) accredited and certified medical assistant program. Comfortable and flexible, you can at any time online and study in their own pace. All the studies is undoubtedly going to the case. You have a team of educators, doctors, nurses and other health care providers available to more and more on their studies. If you think this is the career for you, and go to Sign up today.


Pursue Your Good Career being a Medical Assistant
Categories: Healthcare: Occupations: Medical Assistant: Schools
Working at hospitals, clinics or health centers helping people to get recover from their sickness is off course a noble job that can not be equalized to some amount of money. Serving people who are in dire need of help will spark a feeling of contentment. However, if you think you have missed your chance of doing so because you have failed studying at medical school, now you can pay your failure by joining an online study of
medical assistant.St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants offers you online course on medical assistant program that you can take it online. This way of course then can allow you to study conveniently from home. Moreover, this program is available at a very affordable tuition that will surely not bother your tight budget. By joining this course, you can equip yourself with medical knowledge and be prepared as an integral member of today's health care team.At this medical assistant school, there are many program classes available with their respective majors like Medical Office Professionalism, Patient Communication, Medical Records, Basic Medical Law, etc. All materials for study are conducted online supported by CD-ROM which are available at All programs and materials are designed and prepared as well as reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training.So, if you want to pursue good career in medical field by being medical assistant, St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants is the best choice ever for it offers you quality online learning that allows you to study from home with no time strict and tight schedule.


St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

St. Augustine School Of Medical Assistants: Online Classes for Medical Assistants
Filed under:
Just weeks ago, I talked about
St. Augustine School Of Medical Assistants. Incidentally, one of my friends chanced upon my article and informed me that she just recently graduated from that medical assistant school. She said I was right in saying that the medical assistant home study program of St. Augustine School Of Medical Assistants can give us accredited, affordable and accessible certificate program for medical assistants in 6-8 weeks. She even took her online medical assistant classes at her convenient time. Indeed, St. Augustine School Of Medical Assistants is the best online medical assistant certificate program there is. This is because their programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give us the best training and education. St. Augustine School Of Medical Assistants has broken away from the traditional classrooms form of teaching. Their aim is easy online learning, thus we save time, money and resources. Because their program schedules are flexible, we can have classes anywhere, anytime with no conflicts on our daily schedule. Moreover, being an online distance education program means we can be assured of all-time online support to resolve our queries and problems with personal attention.


Medical Assistant Course

Medical Assisant Course at St. Augustine Medical Assitant School
remplaza_fecha('Monday, November 10, 2008');

osted by Shimumsy

Last week as I have mentioned in my older post, one of my co-worker was laid off. I have been in this company for almost 10 years but this is the first time they have to lay 0ff a worker. When this happened, I began thinking if I am really on a secure industry with regards to my employment. It bothered me a lot and being out of job is not a joke these days.
When I got home I spoke to my husband about my insecurities. He suggested that I better prepare myself my switching to a medical career. It’s not too late. He said I can start by enrolling in a
medical assistant course. We went to St. Augustine School of Medical Assistant website and check their courses on medical assistant online. They have an online course which you can finish at your own pace for 6-8 weeks. This is good because I am a working mother. I can enroll on this medical assistant school online at the same time I can still go full time with my job. This will be a lot of sacrifice on my part but I am willing to do it to have a better future.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Be a Medical Assistant

Be a Medical Assistant, posted by Dani
I know I have. Although I’ve certainly thought from time to time about becoming a medical assistant of some sort, I’ve decided to major in nursing since that field seems to suit me a lot better. Especially pediatric nursing, because I’d love to be able to make children feel better when they’re feeling under the weather, and I’d love making sure that they stay healthy. But if that right there doesn’t work out for whatever reason, I know I’d have a lot of fun in a career field like this. There’s a really nice medical assistant school that I’ve found on the Internet that could help me do just that, and this might be something that I could always look into once I’ve gotten my degree in nursing. It might help advance my career even further, and that’s always desirable in today’s world! I’d like to have something decent to fall back on in case I need that, and I like to put a lot of forethought and planning into stuff like what my job would be once I’m out of school… at least for the first time, after I’ve gotten that first degree. Who knows? Maybe being a medical assistant might be fun! It’s certainly something that I can’t just give a passing cursory glance to… entire article at:


Being a Medical Assistant

Being a Medical Assistant
Are you a high school graduate? Are you still confused in choosing which major you would like to take? If the answer is yes, then I will give you an insider look about a promising major.Have you heard the term of "Medical Assistant"? Yes, it is related to medical. It is an interesting major in human's life. It is also a promising one. Why? Because humans are related to medical. Everyone can get sick. Everyone is a living thing that can die. That is why medical assistant is promising job for you.There is one great medical assistant schools, St. Augsutine School of Medical Assistants. This is a very good school to becoming a medical assistant. You can learn everything you would like to now from this school. Wait, you are afraid that you will not follow the studies because you haven't study anything in highschool? Don't worry, this school will teach you from zero. It will guide you to pursue your dream as a medical assistant.

you may also with to read the medical assistant school information post at:


Saturday, November 08, 2008

What do Medical Assistants do?

Medical Assistants: Career, Salary and Education Information
Career Profile:
What do Medical Assistants do? Trusted to keep medical documents safe, medical assistants are an indispensable force in physicians' offices. In smaller offices, medical assistants do it all, taking on both administrative and clinical responsibilities. Medical assistants can specialize in ophthalmic, optometric, or podiatric capabilities, to name a few, or they can stick to general practice in general medical and surgical hospitals.
Strong organizational skills are essential for the job. Medical assistants must often work in a customer service capacity, handling correspondence and scheduling appointments. Because they often serve as a link between patients and medical personnel, assistants must have strong communication skills.

A Day in the Life of a Medical Assistant

The daily tasks of a medical assistant depend highly on their job description and location. Administrative tasks might include filing patient records, arranging for hospital admissions or laboratory services, or filling out insurance forms. Clinical duties could include recording vital signs, explaining treatment procedures, changing dressings, and preparing patients for x-rays and other procedures. Regardless of their individual duties, most medical assistants work 40 hour work weeks in well-lighted, clean environments. Depending on the office hours and clinical scope, some may work part-time, evenings, or weekends. Medical assistants work in well-lighted, clean environments. They constantly interact with other people and may have to handle several responsibilities at once. Most full-time medical assistants work a regular 40-hour week. However, many medical assistants work part time, evenings, or weekends.

The job prospects for medical assistants in 2008
Job seekers who want to work as a medical assistant should find excellent job prospects! Medical assistants are projected to account for a very large number of new jobs, and many other opportunities will come from the need to replace workers leaving the occupation. Those with formal training or experience—particularly those with certification—should have the best job opportunities. The earnings of medical assistants and medical assistant pay vary, depending on their experience, skill level, and location. Median annual earnings of wage-and-salary medical assistants were $26,290 in May 2006. The middle 50 percent earned between $21,970 and $31,210. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $18,860, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $36,840.

Top online medical assistant schools:
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
Overall rating: 5/5 stars *****

More about medical assistant jobs:
Medical assistants perform work similar to the tasks completed by other workers in medical support occupations. As the health care industry expands because of technological advances in medicine and the growth and aging of the population, there will be an increased need for all health care workers. Increasing use of medical assistants in the rapidly growing health care industry will further stimulate job growth.Helping to drive job growth is the increasing number of group practices, clinics, and other health care facilities that need a high proportion of support personnel, particularly medical assistants who can handle both administrative and clinical duties. In addition, medical assistants work primarily in outpatient settings, a rapidly growing sector of the health care industry.


St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants

Medical Assistant School - Easy Way Get Job.
There is good news for you from The United States Department of Labor, "
Medical Assistant employment is projected to grow much faster than average, ranking medical assisting among the fastest growing occupations over the next decade. Job opportunities should be excellent, particularly for those with formal medical assistant training”.For you wishing quickly get the job, you have to soon enlist in assistant medical school. Usually the time they give briefest that is follow the program of 6-8 week, get Medical Assistant Certificate. All programs are available online 24 hours and 7 days a week. This " anytime e-Learning" distance education program allows you to study online at your own pace and take classes at your convenience.Many of the advantages you can get with medical assistant school online, for example you can save time and money because you not necessarily go to school. Way enlist also very easy you can now use the "Google Checkout" service for quick simple program registration. You can visit for description more.

Medical Assistant School

Medical Assistant School
As a human, of course we proud if we have nice job. Like programmer, designer or the other. But if you interest inmedical assistant, just give advice you come in this medical assistant school you can get more what you need like no traditional classrooms at strict timings and Easy online learning is our aim, No hindrance to your daily schedule.Not only that their programs are designed and reviewed by professionals in the field to give you the best training. Flexible program schedule - classes anywhere, anytime. The other benefit is Save time, money and resources. All-time online support to resolve your queries and problems with personal attention. Of course you can get your certificate from home.So if you want to get Medical Assistant Certificate only 6-8 weeks programs make sure you come in medical assistant or call at 1-88-817-4595. Their email
Medical Assistant School
comments posted by Billah
Health is have very important place in this life because if we sick, we will be able to do anything and not good being sick. Sports and healthy food is two important factor to keep our health but this day there is so many causes that make people get sick. It`s natural law that people will die because of sick or accident.With that kind of fact everybody will need someone who have professional skill in medical field. Medical field is a great business because everybody will need it, so this means there is a lot of job opportunity in medical field.Is a good choice if you plan your future career in this business. Medical business will need a lot of professional medical assistant. If you want to take your study but you don`t have enough time to attend in class you can take this medical assistant school on line program provide by St. Augustine educational services. Within 6-8 weeks you will get your Medical Assistant Certificate. If you need to know more about their program detail just go to this medical assistant on line program.

St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants
Programs: Medical Assistant
Online Instruction: yes
Offical school website at:
Overal program rating: 5/5 stars *****