Monday, November 10, 2008

Medical Assistant Course

Medical Assisant Course at St. Augustine Medical Assitant School
remplaza_fecha('Monday, November 10, 2008');

osted by Shimumsy

Last week as I have mentioned in my older post, one of my co-worker was laid off. I have been in this company for almost 10 years but this is the first time they have to lay 0ff a worker. When this happened, I began thinking if I am really on a secure industry with regards to my employment. It bothered me a lot and being out of job is not a joke these days.
When I got home I spoke to my husband about my insecurities. He suggested that I better prepare myself my switching to a medical career. It’s not too late. He said I can start by enrolling in a
medical assistant course. We went to St. Augustine School of Medical Assistant website and check their courses on medical assistant online. They have an online course which you can finish at your own pace for 6-8 weeks. This is good because I am a working mother. I can enroll on this medical assistant school online at the same time I can still go full time with my job. This will be a lot of sacrifice on my part but I am willing to do it to have a better future.
